Saturday, 27 October 2012

Idea to implement greenery in India

Problem: Environmental pollution and Global warming
Idea to implement greenery in India
The main problem which we are facing is the Global warming because of the polluted atmosphere.
My idea can reduce the global warming and can bring back the polluted free environment

Converting the brown economy to green economy can be done very easily and fastly only by the Indian youth by starting an effective campaign by name “earth warriors” or some other easy feasible name so that everyone in India can understand the theme of the program easily unlike the other programs that we had earlier like great power race or carbon credit race etc., which takes time for the people to understand the theme of the campaign.

How can the earth warriors campaign be helpful in implementing green economy?
Under this campaign, students will be doing the projects that create the awareness on the environmental issues among the people. There will be about 1000 predefined greenery implementing projects and the educational institutions will be receiving the credits for doing these projects. This is just like the carbon credit race. But the main difference is that the innovations in the environmental projects and the new green project ideas will be given more credit points than the pre-defined green projects. The educational institution which gives the best output and solutions for the environmental issues in this campaign will be receiving its own fruits.    

How should be the core team of the “earth warriors” campaign ?
The core team should contain the dynamic youth who have a complete awareness about the environmental issues. We have already seen the people coming forward to fight against the environmental issues like Ravi teja muthu from chittor, Andhra pradesh National Coordinator and Managing Trustee at Climate Leaders India Network, Mahender Reddy, Coordinator of carbon credit race. Such type of people who come forward voluntarily to fight against environmental issues will be there in almost all the states of India. And all these people put together will make the core committee of “earth warriors campaign”. This core committee should receive the salaries from the government just like the higher government officials.

How to spread the “earth warriors campaign” in India ?
This campaign will be spread by the students from K.G to P.G such that every Indian will be aware of the environmental problems we are facing in our day-to-day life and the problems that we will be facing in future, so that every Indian will give his best to have green economy in India.

How to make all the student community to get into “Earth warriors campaign” ?
Anna hazare, in order to bring back the black money he motivated the people by saying the fruitful results if India becomes corruption free…..
He said people what will be happening if 1456 lakh crores comes back.
1. India financially no.1
2. each district will get 60000 crores. & 1 village will get 100 crores
3. no need to pay taxes for next 20years
4. petrol 20rs diesel 15rs milk 8 rs
These things said by Anna hazare, motivated the people all over india and led for such a big successful revolution in fighting against corruption in India.

similarly, for every thing that we want to be happened we need to motivate the people by saying the fruits of the results so that every student will be in this campaign.
Earth warriors campaign will be just like a environmental race in which student community of different colleges will be registered in it and works on the green projects for which some credits will be awarded just like carbon credit race or great power race.

Difference between the campaigns like carbon credit race/ great power race and earth warriors campaign:
·         It is not restricted only to an engineering stream. Everyone in the student community can be a part of it (from K.G to P.G)
·         Every school/inter/degree/engineering colleges who initially registers in it will be provided with the rain harvesting systems to their institutional buildings and is given plants to plant in their institutions with free of cost. So that every educational institution will be the part of the campaign
·         Every student who is part of this campaign and the works against the environmental issues will be given a certificate which is equally valuable to that of NCC certificate.
·         Green inventions made by the students will be given high priority and will be funded to have the practical models of green inventions. For every green invention, corresponding institution will be given extra credit points depending upon the range of the invention.
·         Top 100 institutions in the race will be equipped with the solar panels in their institutions with free of cost.
·         Top 10 institutions in this race will be rewarded with 10 lakhs per college.
·         Top 20 institutions are recognised as eco- friendly institutions.
·         The college which stands 1st will be rewarded with 30 lakhs, 2nd with 25 lakhs and 3rd with 20 lakhs
·         Top 50 effective students will be promoted as the national coordinators and will get a chance to lead the national team in international conferences.

From where do we get the money to run this campaign? Will the Government provide us?
Estimation of budget to have a successful campaign is 10crores per year. We don’t need the aid of government to fill this budget. This campaign will be running with the aid of sponsors. We will be giving the enough publicity to the sponsors. As it is a national level race, many top leading companies like MNC’s will come forward to sponsor with bulk amounts i.e., we are converting brown economy into green economy neither from the money of government nor people, but with the support of the chair mans  of top leading companies
Note:  There will not be any scope for Corruption. All the money that we get through sponsors will be spend for green economy only.

Why India should go for a Green economy?
1)       Green jobs : placements
2)       Green business : by green innovations with ex
3)       Green education : separate branch, green country in the world

Regarding Green jobs President Barack Obama and a number of business leaders said alternative energy, such as bio-fuels, wind and solar power, and energy-efficiency projects will create millions of good jobs, as well as reducing global warming and the nation's dependence on foreign oil.

Technical solution to moderate the temp of the earth:
This mainly deals with the minimization of the global warming effect by reducing the temperature of the earth.  
As we cannot totally reduce the temperature, we can save the earth by atleast moderating it.
Do you think moderating the temperature is possible ??
Yes, it is. Due to pollution, mainly in the cities, the global warming gases are being released into the atmosphere which results in depleting of ozone layer in that particular region causing high temperatures.
As we cannot totally reduce the temperature we atleast have to decrease it by creating cool temperatures in some places. I think this is only possible by placing water fountains at regular places.
Compensation method of solution:
Suppose if we are using an AC in a room, then planting 4 plants in the surrounding area thereby compensating the green houses gases emitted by the AC. This method of solution is called as compensation method

B. Ravikiran Reddy
B. Tech 3rd year mechanical
Kakatiya University College of Engineering and Technology

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